martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

DSi USB Write-Blocker

USB Write blocker is an application that will use the windows registry to write block USB devices.  It is a useful tool for those who wish to view the contents of USB drives without making changes to the files metadata or timestamps.  This is a critial feature in the fields of digital and computer forensics as well as electronic discovery (eDiscovery) where time stamps play a crucial role in the validity of evidence.
An added feature is the ability to see the application status in your task bar when you hover over its icon with your mouse (as seen in the screenshot below).
Tested on, and is compatible with, Windows 7 (both 32bit and 64bit versions).
DSi Software - USB Write-Blocker Screenshot

*NEW*: The DSi USB Write-Blocker Utility status is now shown in the OS system tray. This Allows you to see the current status of the DSi USB Write-Blocker tool with a quick glance.


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